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Heritage Room

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During 2014 we were fortunate to have a grant from Methodist heritage, which enabled us to develop the Church Vestry into a small 'Heritage room', with an expanding range of pictures, heritage resources, and explanatory display boards.


As in Previous years, we are planning on opening for the Saturday of the Heritage Open Days, which will be the second Saturday in September.

The oldest purpose built Methodist Church in Leicester, we have a largely 19th century interior to the main chapel, which was built in 1815. The organ case is by Father Smith, and predates the building by perhaps 100 years, and has been classed as of 'exceptional' heritage value.

We include guided tours of the building to discuss the many heritage features. In addition, we make available for inspection our baptismal registers and other documents dating back to the 19th century

We are in the early stages of planning an exhibition which will feature aspects of Leicester Methodist Heritage.


This is an on-going attempt to record oral history particularly relating to Bishop Street in former decades, and for Methodism in Leicester generally. If you have memories yourself, or know people who will have memories and are willing to be interviewed please get in touch with the church office.

Also, if you are interested in doing interviews, or helping with the oral history project or any other aspect of Methodist heritage, we would love to hear from you.

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10a Bishop Street, Town Hall Square,
Leicester, LE1 6AF

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© 2016 – 2024 – Bishop Street Methodist Church
Registered Charity No. 1129068