There appear to be three extant volumes of Baptismal Records directly relating to Bishop Street Methodist Church. The current Church baptism register runs from 1877 to the present, and a transcription, kindly prepared by Rachel Horton, is available online.
At the Leicester Record Office there are two further volumes, covering the periods 1837-1855 and 1855-1877. These both cover not just Bishop Street but the whole of the Leicester Wesleyan Methodist Circuit. At some point an unknown researcher transcribed these older registers, got them on to a computer, and printed out a list in alphabetical order, a printed copy of which is now at our church. In summer 2010 Helen Peberdy kindly got these back into a computerised form, so they are now also available online.
Click on the PDF files to download.
10a Bishop Street, Town Hall Square,
Leicester, LE1 6AF