Worship Possibilities
Here are a few possibilities of worship resources for this coming Sunday.
This site provides material from preachers at Bishop Street Methodist Church who share their reflections and prayers. The service for 5th July is provided by Rev'ds Saidu Kanu and Daniel Yovan, and will be available by Saturday 4th July. The material is based on Daniel's testimony service which takes place on Zoom (details above).
The Family Friendly Churches Trust
https://familyfriendlychurches.org.uk/ will help parents and carers of school-aged children to worship with them.
https://www.methodist.org.uk/our-faith/worship/singing-the-faith-plus/seasons-and-themes/worship-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ Provides Sunday "Worship at Home" sheets, and links to other live-streamed services.
Wesley's Chapel London live-streams from the chapel on Sundays at 11am https://www.wesleyschapel.org.uk/livestreaming/
BBC1 10.45am Sunday morning live. Sean Fletcher and Sally Phillips explore the ethical and religious issues of the day
BBC1 1.15pm Songs of Praise with Katherine Jenkins and the Archbishop of Canterbury to mark the birthday of the NHS
BBC Radio 4 Sunday 8.10am (92.70 FM).
Radio Leicester worship at 8am (104.9 FM).
An act of Spiritual Communion. If you are missing being able to take part in a service of Holy Communion, this short act of worship encourages us to seek Christ's presence in other ways and to pray that God's purposes may be fulfilled in us, even though we cannot at this time gather at the Lord's Table. See
10a Bishop Street, Town Hall Square,
Leicester, LE1 6AF